I went on a light walk, like I was instructed to but instead of normal white light of day I investigated into something I enjoy more. Instead of light being everywhere and shadows being spots, I went on my light walk at night and noticed stars and lights that were scattered in smaller places. Ambient lighting creates a more interesting mood than a sun glare through my lens in my opinion.
I've always liked ambient light and soft glowing light more than harsh sun glares. A sunset with pink and orange doesn't compare to a large moon filling the sky with a deep blue over the ocean.
Dark hints of color where they barely show have always interested me over bright saturated colors. All though a bright hint of color in darkness always makes a photo/image/art complete. Even the flash of blue of police sirens seemed more interesting at night. The deepest darks that pull you in and make you want to investigate. I guess it's the opposite of the point of this exercise but what would light be if it weren't to light up the undiscovered?
Very visual post. I prefer the soft light of dawn and dusk vs. the harsh light of high noon. But you're right, the magic is in the night skies.