I tried to get on Nick Wall’s website but his coding is all messed up and you can get to the first page but no other pages. All the work I can find of him is on his movie stills style. I’ve shown you his work before (The High School kids and all of his nature work).
I followed his style only in the method of “My View” Where he traveled the world I traveled Gloucester. I followed routes I would take in my car everyday or photograph things that would capture my eye while walking. He uses vibrant colors as well so I followed that method.
These photos were taken ranging in places from Gloucester's boulevard where I go to school everyday to lanesville where some of my friends live. Even the backshore where I took my first joyride in my car.
The whole idea of his My View is those photos that you take that you want to show the world. You're traveling and you have all this fancy equipment and even though you only get to take photos of celebrities because that's what you're known for. He took photos of his travels to remember them and to show people his path through life and that's what I followed.
The water photo is a combination of 7 photos of me holding my shutter down and taking 7 rapid photos, one after the other. I then combined them and turned the opacity down.
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